What is self-esteem and self-worth?

Your inner self-worth has nothing to do with your bank balance.  It is about valuing the qualities you have developed within yourself and feeling that you are indeed a worthwhile person who deserves to be happy.

For too many of us, we tend to show other people greater respect and consideration than what we give to ourselves.

How much you value yourself is a reflection of your self-esteem. Healthy self-esteem more likely leads to …

– feeling that your happiness does not depend upon others

– improved ability to recover from set-backs in life

– a positive and optimistic outlook

Our self-image influences how we present ourselves and consequently how others will see us. When we are happy, smiling and full of confidence then others see us as someone they want to be around.

When you respect yourself and project this, then others will more naturally respect you too. After all, how can you ask for respect from others if you don’t show respect for yourself? So finding your self-worth is all about developing your self-esteem and learning to value the qualities that you possess.

Healthy self-esteem

People with healthy levels of self-esteem tend to have:

  • A sense of security and acceptance about who they are
  • Confidence in their abilities
  • A willingness to open up and express their feelings to others and thereby develop intimacy and trust in their relationships
  • Healthy pride in their achievements and accomplishments
  • Acceptance that everyone makes mistakes sometimes, and are willing to forgive themselves and others – therefore they are also willing to try new things because they do not have such a fear of making a mistake

The risks of a lack of self-esteem

A lack of self-esteem could cause you to be too harsh and critical of yourself; you may struggle in setting boundaries with others, and you may set your sights low in terms of what you think you can achieve. There is also a risk that you may sabotage your happiness, if you don’t really feel that you deserve to be happy.



The influence of your early up-bringing on self-esteem

Your self-esteem has been greatly influenced by your early life experiences, including amongst other things, your up-bringing.

If as a young child you had parents, or guardians or teachers who were very critical of you, and only gave you negative feedback with the focus being on what you weren’t doing well, then this can cause a pervading sense of low self-worth. It may contribute to a pervading feeling of being just not quite good enough

In contrast, if you were raised in a loving and supportive environment, with plenty of positive feedback, encouragement and affirmation – then you will likely have a strong foundation of self-esteem. The thoughts and beliefs that have been programmed into you about yourself affect your level of self-belief

This does not mean that you need be chained to your past, but it does mean that you must understand how your past may have influenced and shaped some of your current belief systems.  With this awareness, you can then exercise improved choice about the beliefs that you wish to cultivate now as an adult, in order to foster a stronger sense of self-esteem within yourself.

Positive affirmations are a way of helping to re-wire your brain with positive beliefs and supportive self-talk …..the following short video clip offers some inspirational quotes on the theme of self-esteem and self-worth. I hope you enjoy it ……

You can strengthen your self-esteem ..

Have a look at our page that offers you plenty of great tips and techniques for Boosting Self-Esteem

Exercise to build self-esteem

Exercise can help us to feel good about ourselves – and the speaker in this short video also makes the point that is good for our body image

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