Inspiration can be found in many different ways …….it can be found in the timely words you read in a quote that triggers a flash of connection and deep personal meaning.

inspirationYou can be inspired by hearing the story of someone overcoming hardship and adversity that rekindles your own self-belief…. Inspiration can come from a song or piece  of music that brings a sense of joy to your heart; or it could be in the quiet image of a simple sunset that uplifts your spirit and helps you transcend your worries.

I hope that somewhere here, you might find the source of inspiration that you need …

Self-Belief – Be willing to dare 

This short clip offers a genuine message of inspiration. It reminds us that even though we may be faced with a huge challenge and we despair that events appear to be conspiring against us – we need to look within and find the determination to persevere. Never lose hope that life can always be turned around for the better.

Be inspired by successful “failures”

In this short video clip, you will be inspired by some of the famous people who had been dismissed by others early in their lives and careers, as “not having what it takes”. These people all experienced the bitter taste of so-called failure and defeat, and yet went on and persevered to achieve success. For me, their stories offer a message of hope – these people have overcome major set-backs, then we can too .

Positive Affirmations to Inspire

Many of us recognise the power of the mind in influencing how we are feeling. For example, if you spend a lot of time thinking about times in your life when you have failed, or dwelling upon situations where you have made bad decisions or let someone down – well, it won’t be long before you start feeling discouraged, disheartened or even depressed!

If you accept the idea that your thoughts impact your feelings, then it follows that by thinking and affirming positive thoughts, you can help to motivate and inspire yourself. The following short video clip offers some wonderful positive affirmations from “The Secret” …..

  Inspiration to overcome your deepest fear

This is a beautiful short video clip featuring Marianne Williamson reading her “Deepest Fear” poem,, which was referred to by Nelson Mandela in one of his inspiring speeches to his nation

Inspiration & Happiness

This short video clip features Dr Wayne Dyer sharing a parable that reminds us that happiness comes from being true to ourselves ….

Peaceful Relaxation

A lovely clip that features a combination of soothing music and calming vision of natural scenery.

For further uplifting video clips, and if you are interested in personal development, then visit our pages Self-confidence . and also for a treasure chest of tips and techniques see Self-Motivation

If you would like to view some informative video clips on stress management, personal well-being and the use of meditation to calm the mind, the visit our page Stress Management Tips

For more inspiration, visit our page Inspirational Poems