Is your company wanting to conduct some in-house time management training in Melbourne? …. We can provide you with a one day time management course that will equip your staff with the tools they need to manage a demanding and hectic workplace environment.

 time management training

Improve your productivity

An ever increasing volume of emails, persistent interruptions, long meetings and demanding customers and co-workers all combine to place pressures upon the ability of people to complete their work effectively within required time-lines.

This time management training is offered in-house for organisations and can be further tailored to your requirements. The one day course provides practical techniques for helping participants to regain some control over their time. Course content includes ….

Techniques for improving personal productivity

  1. Differentiate between low value work and high value work
  2. Analyse the value of your work output for the past week
  3. Using‘To-Do lists’ and evaluating priorities of tasks
  4. Identify high productivity time and low productivity time, and determine what tasks should be done at what times
  5. Delegating appropriate tasks
  6. Gaining control over emails

Dealing with time wasters

  1. Identifying personal time wasters and how to overcome them
  2. Learning to juggle competing demands
  3. Managing emails
  4. How to say ‘NO’ graciously
  5. Negotiating realistic outcomes and time frames with others

Setting & working towards goals

  1. Setting short and long term goals for work and your personal life
  2. Differentiate between realistic and unrealistic goals
  3. Preparing action plans to achieve goals,; identifying why goals aren’t achieved
  4. The myth of being effective with multi-tasking
  5. Considering the influence of personal attitude on our effectiveness

Personal well-being

  1. Identifying strategies for balancing work and home life
  2. Identifying physical symptoms of stress
  3. Applying short term and long term stress management techniques when it all gets too much

To discuss having this Time Management training course delivered in-house for your organisation, please contact us on ph (03) 9725 3777.  You might like to also check out our Email Management course